Highgrove Townhomes Irrigation Schedule

Below is the irrigation schedule for Highgrove Townhomes.

Controller 1- M, W, F, Sat 1:00AM start, 10 min each zone
Controller 2- M, W, F, Sat 2:00AM start, 10 min each zone
Controller 3- M, W, F, Sat 1:00AM start, 10 min each zone
Controller 4- M, W, F, Sat 2:00AM start, 10 min each zone

Backflow 1 regulates water for Controllers 1 and 2
Backflow 2 regulates water for Controllers 3 and 4

FYI: If at any time, there is “leak” from a mainline, for example, or a “stuck valve” in a zone (and water needs to be shut off)—Backflows are located in the “hotboxes” as indicated and simply turning one of the valves on the backflow off will cease the water.

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