15/501 South Land Use Discussion Group

The following following was sent out by the Chapel Hill 2020 committee.  If you have questions please visit, http://2020buzz.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/15501-south-land-use-discussion-group/

After the Future Focus workshops in February, both town staff and several 2020 stakeholders suggested that we establish a parallel discussion group to develop a recommendation on the 15/501 South corridor.  George and I discussed this with Mayor Kleinschmidt and the Town Manager, who endorsed this idea, and we also took the proposal to the 2020 co-chairs at our meeting with them last Thursday. The co-chairs agreed that this would be worthwhile.  Over the last several days we have worked on developing a charge, a composition for the group, a schedule, and meeting agendas.  We are fortunate that former Mayor Kevin Foy has agreed to chair this discussion group.  He will be an impartial moderator and will keep the group on track.  The Future Focus consultant, Urban Collage, will provide professional support, the data and background information that citizens have said they need to strive for consensus on a land use recommendation for this corridor.  We are making calls today, asking persons to serve on this group.  Below is the basic information.  Once we have the group appointed, we will give public notice of meeting times and locations.  Keep in mind that the work and conclusions of this discussion group will be reported back to the Chapel Hill 2020 process and stakeholders.

Charge:  The charge of this work group is to attend three meetings to develop a land use recommendation for the Southern 15/501 area of the Chapel Hill 2020 Future Focus work sessions.  The work group will work with the Future Focus consultant to devise a land use recommendation to be presented to the Chapel Hill 2020 Comprehensive Plan stakeholders.  The work group will receive public comment at each meeting.  The work group will make a recommendation to the 2020 Co-Chairs and participants before April 24, 2012.  This process will be a model for civil discourse on a topic of community-wide importance.

Scope and Schedule:  The scope and schedule for the work group meetings will be:
Wednesday, March 21, 8-10 am

Existing Conditions
Development Opportunities

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 (2-3 hours)

Alternatives, Thursday, April 19, 2012 (2-3 hours)

Guiding Principles
Preferred Alternative to 2020 Process
3D Visualization
Land Use

Composition of the Group  Membership of the discussion group is modeled after the composition of the Northern Area Task Force. Membership will reflect the interests of the community and the Chapel Hill 2020 process:

2 Planning Board members
1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Board member
1 Transportation Board member
2 Southern Area Residents
2 Southern Area business or land owners or land owners representative
1 Southern Area ETJ resident

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