Minutes of Meeting Held October 27, 2005 


Present: Board Members -- Tom Hanlon, David McEntee, Nancy Morton, Ed Flowers

                                              Tony Smith

Parks and Recreations – Paul Mraz

Communications Committee – Mel Jones

Architectural Feedback Committee – Jeremy Pubrick

5K Committee- Daryl Gross

John Lawton (HRW); Eniko Nagy (HRW)


With a Quorum established, the meeting was called to Order at 7:04.


First Order of Business:

-The minutes of the September 9, 2005 Board meeting were discussed.  Appropriate corrections were discussed and made.  With corrections duly noted,

-Motion made to approve minutes and seconded

-Unanimously approved, with Mr. Flowers abstaining


Second Order of Business – Financials

-Various aspects of the proposed 2006 budget were discussed

-Mr. McEntee noted possibility of budget surplus and asked Board to consider what portion to allocated to capital expenditures and reserves


-Mr. McEntee also presented proposed 2006 budget to Board which was discussed at great length but would not be approved until December’s Board meeting.


Third Order of Business – Manager’s Report

–Delinquent assessment accounts also were discussed.  Noted that foreclosure action had been filed against largest delinquent account.


-Motion made and seconded that HRW investigate delinquent assessments for 4 Edgewater Place and Merrit Park, and if appropriate, to proceed with collections against these accounts

-Unanimously approved


-Motion made and seconded that uncollectible late fees on certain delinquent accounts be waived

Unanimously approved


Fourth Order of Business – 5K Committee

-Mr. Gross noted nothing to report, eveverything going well, including sponsorships.




Fifth Order of Business – Townhome Committee

            -Ms. Morton noted HRW water issue resolve

            -Lots of turnover in committee and need to get people involved

            -RFP going slowly, awaiting information . from Marian


Sixth Order of Business – Communications Committee

-Mr. Jones discussed the Committee’s research on website, potential costs of upkeep of website, and issues with keeping it going.   Content and organization of the website was also discussed.

-Mr. Jones also discussed the Committee’s efforts with regard to the Front Porch, locating area captains, and the member directory.


Seventh Order of Business – ARB Committee

-Mr. Smith reported that 100% of submissions were approved from October ARB meeting and that an appeal had been denied

-Noted co-chair structure had been approved

-Discussion of enforcement policy and need to expedite enforcement in certain issues. 

-Motion made to modify enforcement policy such that violation letters could be sent not more than 7 and not less than 30 days apart, with 30 days being the default time period, and shorter periods to be utilized either after Board discussion or upon HRW’s recommendation.

            -Unanimously approved

-After further discussion and after comment by Mr. Lawton, it was determined that enforcement policy would remain the same but would be edited and streamlined.

            -Motion made to unwind previous motion

            -Unanimously approved



Eighth Order of Business – ARB Feedback Committee

-Mr. Pubrick noted comments thus far, and that meeting was to be held November 10, 2005.  He believed concensus would be reached.

-Mr. Hanlon noted impropriety of certain statements made in comments, including many that were factually inaccurate and contained personal attacks.  Other Board members also noted these comments and need to make sure contributes of Committee were not outweighed by negative aspects


Ninth Order of Business -- Parks and Recreation Committee

-Mr. Mraz discussed RFP for Arlen Park landscaping along with landscaping for Arlen Park entrance.  He recommended that Board accept proposal made by TrueGreen/Chemlawn.  After discussion by Board:

-Motion made that Board accept proposal made by True Green/Chemlawn for Arlen Park landscaping and for landscaping for Arlen Park entrance

            -Unanimously approved


-Mr. Mraz also noted that capital expenditure plan for landscaping was approximately $5,000 over budget.  Board discussed budget overrun in light of overall surplus in budget and in light of discussion

-Motion made to approve Park and Recreation Committee’s recommendation to allocate total of $11,903 to complete capital projects for fiscal year

            Unanimously approved


Miscellaneous Items of Business

            -Stop signs at Market St. discussed

-Traffic calming in neighborhood discussed.

-Soccer Fields and Rainbow Soccer discussed and good relationship between HOA and Rainbow Soccer discussed

-Motion made that Rainbow Soccer be allowed to use fields on same terms as previous years

            -Unanimously approved



The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 PM.